Do you think there should be some standard for Quality play environment for childrens?


Thursday, April 10, 2008

Our Programmes

(1) LEADer(ES, HS) - LEAD Educator (Educational sector,Health sector, NGO)

This awareness programme is designed for creating Lead educators in all educational sector throughout the country apart from training NGO's by the competent faculty at NRCLPI. Under this program NRCLPI in collaboration with Quality Council of India (QCI)& other organizations will conduct one day awareness workshop to School, College, University Teachers/Lecturers, NGOs, who in turn disseminate knowledge to their students and staff members.

NRCLPI has already trained 6000 teacher in the year 2008-2009 throughout the country. This one day interactive awareness programme is designed to empower the participants with sufficient knowledge Lead and human environment, Lead and its application in our everyday life, Hazards of lead, Health effects of lead poisoning (Children & adults), Brief introduction of measurement of Blood lead level (BLL) and Treatment, Strategies adopted for prevention of lead poisoning.

About 30 LEADers programme is already conducted all over india including remote areas like Rajasthan, Bihar & Orissa & oveseas like maldives ,Bangladesh , Srilanka yet to be done this year.

(2) SMILE (Seminar on Methods & Implementation of Lead Education)

This awareness programme is designed for creating Pre-School Educators,parents & aganwadi workers keeping in mind that children spent most of the time with them only. This programme is associated with a focus - Don't let the lead to rob the smile of your child throughout the country apart from training NGO's by the competent faculty at NRCLPI. Under this program NRCLPI in collaboration with other organizations will conduct half- a-day day awareness programmes to Montessori School teachers, Employees in day care centers, Children’s park management personnel, NGOs, who in turn disseminate knowledge to their mothers of children and other staff members.

NRCLPI has organized 3 smile prrogramme at Bangalore till date including one for aganvaadi workers& plans to train anywhere around 2000-10000 pre-school educators in the year 2009- 2010 throughout the country. All participants will receive certificates with NRCLPI and other organizations logos. Some of the enthusiastic participants will be utilized to conduct similar training programmes under the supervision of NRCLPI faculty.

(3) STEP (Student Talent Exploration Projects) –

NRCLPI with Quality Council of India (QCI) is also sponsoring small short term research projects from the city colleges of different states. Initially it was started in Bangalore where 15 Colleges had come up with lead analysis in different samples.

National Referral Centre for Lead Poisoning in India is in the process of making World's first Lead Maps of Bangalore, Hyderabad and Chennai. The lead map will work as guidelines for people and policy makers and will also increase awareness about our exposure to lead in different forms. The data generated from various parts of Bangalore, Hyderabad and Chennai, from the students and teachers of different colleges will be use for making a lead map. Data is collected from all possible sources; soil, air, water, paints, ceramic and plastic articles, and blood.

In the second phase project about 15 colleges submitted their proposal to NRCLPI which are financially supported by QCI.

(4) Eco Ganesha

NRCLPI in association with Craft Council of Karnataka, State Pollution Control Boards propogated Eco-Ganesh and Durga which was well taken by the public and student community.Karnataka in the year 2009 during Ganesha festival had gone almost 60% for Ecofriendly idols.More than 7 programme we have conducted at karanataka covered almost all district.

(5) Battery Workshop Programme.:-

This programme is meant for workers working in battery industries. Like that we have conducted 5 programme in such communities.

(6) LEAD wise clubs- LEAD (‘Y’s) clubs

Objective: In order to create an awareness about lead among students, societal groups, eco-clubs, institutions, it is proposed to establish LEAD (‘Y's) CLUBS in various sectors. These clubs conducts programmes and activities related to Environment and more focused in the area related to lead.

Membership: It is proposed to enroll every individual irrespective of affiliation of organization in order to have a spirit of belongingness, for imparting training, to circulate the information related to the subject matter. Apart from this each member should take the responsibility of minimizing ill-effects of lead by disseminating knowledge to others. It is proposed to establish around LEAD(‘Y's) Clubs through out India commencing in the year 2009 - 2010.

Membership Fee: Students: Rs 10/annual
Staff : Rs 20/annual

Lead ’Y's club will meet once a month and will send quarterly report of their activities to NRCLPI. Lead wise clubs will be managed by the committee constituted by their respective management and other office bearers will be nominated by NRCLPI.

(7)QPEC:-( Quality Playing Environment for children)

This is the new iniatiative taken by QCI & NRCLPI for all balbhavana in country to go for lead free paints for their wall & playing items so that child get a safe environment to play. The first QPEC has been launched on 15th of Jan 2010 at Bal Bhavana , Bangalore by Shri Girddhar J Gyani, Secretary General QCI, New Delhi.

. This is the begining of an attempt to create safe play environment for our children to enjoy he stated. It is interesting to note that some of the parents have expressed their happiness saying "that we were not aware that we were putting our children under threat"

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